The strength of our teams comes from our differences, not our similarities. At GameHouse, we embrace the power of diversity and want to ensure everyone has the space to be their best self. Our teams should mirror the diversity of a world filled with unique stories. With over 20 nationalities and a broad age span, every individual has unique and rich insight voiced to help make our games better. We are very proud of our teams! Today, we’d like to give the floor to Maria, Art Director at GameHouse. Curious to know her story?
Meet Maria Muñoz Pozuelo
“I joined GameHouse in September 2021. Some friends of mine – who have similar jobs – had pointed me to this open role at GameHouse. I have been working in the video game industry for 10 years. Before I got the chance to become an Art Director at GameHouse, I was a concept artist for another game developer. I chose to work in the game industry because I love games myself! One of my all-time favorite games is Final Fantasy X! Before I joined GameHouse, I wasn’t an Art Director yet. Although I didn’t have any prior experience as an Art Director, I did get the job, which is something I am really grateful for!”
How would you describe your GameHouse story?
“I was looking for a leadership position because I wanted to do that. It was time for me to take the next step. When I got the chance to do so at GameHouse, that was a very awesome, happy moment. I am thrilled and grateful that I got this opportunity! Most companies would probably not hire an Art Director when you have no experience yet, which I can understand. But I knew I had it in me; fortunately, that feeling was also shared by the folks at GameHouse!”
What did you learn growing up that you apply in your work today?
“First and foremost, I always try to stay diligent. Always be proactive, and do things right away. From my experience, I have always been convinced that being diligent pays off in the long run. Secondly, I always try to act and think strategically. How do I spend my time? Why would I spend it that way? I like to plan and think ahead before I jump into something new. Working smart – rather than hard – is something I tend to fall back on both in my private life and work.”
How do you experience diversity within GameHouse?
“For a game development studio, I think we have a very healthy and diverse employee base. For example, the male-to-female ratio is much more balanced at GameHouse compared to other gaming studios, which I am very proud of and happy with. GameHouse is always looking for ways to implement recruitment to lead to the best and most inclusive teams. Also, the flexibility and different ways of working GameHouse offers are elements of our culture that lead to many different people working here. The talent at GameHouse gets a lot of freedom to structure their prefered way of working.
The diversity within GameHouse also fosters a fruitful and creative working environment, which I find very important as an Art Director. In essence, we offer our games to everyone around the world. That’s a lot of different people with different backgrounds and cultures. It is vital for us to understand all of their stories. Otherwise, it is impossible for us to make successful products.”
“GameHouse is always looking for ways to implement recruitment to lead to the best and most inclusive teams.”
In what ways does GameHouse stimulate diversity?
“I think hiring and recruitment are essential parts of stimulating diversity. GameHouse tries to get in touch with as many different people as possible from the very first moment. Instead of hiring the first person that could be a perfect fit, we’d rather wait for more candidates to choose from. In the end, the best fit will land the job.”
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